The Rainmaker Summit is the Ultimate Breakthrough Experience for entrepreneurs and small business owners! When you attend this 2 & 1/2 day event you will be trained on how to launch, grow and build an even more successful business. The foundation of the program is based on what it takes to become a brilliant leader, have the best systems in the world and how to unleash quantum productivity in your life to accelerate your success. The Rainmaker Summit is a comprehensive program designed specifically to help you create a clearly defined 24-Month Success Blueprint for your life and business! At Rainmaker, you will also learn how to connect and do deals with some of the most successful entrepreneurs from around the world, monetize your passion and become 100% accountable to your success plan! Come and discover proven strategies and concepts that are specifically designed to assist your company in increasing your revenue and bottom line profits! If you are just getting started, or already run a successful business and are serious about creating even more success, then you will love the Rainmaker Summit Program.